Saturday, November 26, 2011

I want a vacation

Yeah, I'm desperate for a vacation. Thought that I can have a short vacation in December, yet so sad to announced that Bangkok trip have to cancel. Gosh, why this was happened? Messy flood really hitting Bangkok badly and i have no choice but for safety purposes, i have to cancel it. No doubt on it, most of my friends are kinda sad and disappointed with my no choice solution. Disappointed is not because that we can't go for vacation, but it's really hard for us us us to get our leave approved and some more travel together to Bangkok. I bet that if the plan still on, this will be another wonderful and enjoyable trip after Langkawi Trip. I missed those moment when we hang together, really a lotssss.

Oh yeah, i am trying my very best effort to negotiate with Air Asia whether they allow us to change date or destination due to Bangkok still immerse in water, i hope that AA will truely understand our problem, but i not really put much hope on it. Just pray, if got then is good, cannot also no choice. Dear all friends, don't worry, i will try to make another plan on next year, this time really hope that some of you guy can make it. It's not easy to planned and really hope we have this kind of plan every year.

Arggggg, i need a stress free vacation on December. Anyone out there have good suggestion ? Low cost vacation but full with joy ?

Doom, i hate December as next month gonna be a stressful and busy month. I hope after i close and open my eye, there is January where by CNY is around the corner.

Why this year no have tactical bonus ? Gosh, found that money hard to earn and people around me keep on tease me that i am rich. I'm broke k and poor as usual even though i waer nike shoes, seiko watch, levi's jean and branded shirt. But the fact is i just drove Myvi. =.='''

Okie, enough crap dy, it time to work hard and earn more money for my second dream house.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


金马仑对我来说是并不陌生,也是我那么多的名胜地中排名第一的地方,只因哪儿是避暑的好地方,也可以让我暂时逃离喧哗的城市。哪儿出名避暑,冷冷的天气,加上热腾腾的火渦, 吃火渦不流汗,是很快活得。


让我来简单的介绍金马仑,他是位于马来西亚半岛的彭亨洲titwangsa山脉,位于海拔2000尺以上,常年保持温度摄氏25以下,到了夜晚,温度还可创下摄氏12度的记录。 金马仑是由一个英国的土地测量师所发现, William Cameron,在于1885年。


好啦,废话连篇之后,是时候开始我两天一夜的行程了。和以往一样,我就是那个司机和导游,早早天还没亮5.30 (我很睏阿)就起来接载我的乘客,逐家逐户的去。那么早的原因是我们到下去以ipoh吃点心,人人都讲,吃点心当然是下ipoh,可是我和你们讲,是没有分别的,人多难找位停车,停了车又要给警察开发单,这个点心真的吃的不安乐。

看看我的朋友都忙着拍照,来到这间人人赞好的点心店,人是多到吓死人,每个人都是站在桌子的旁边等待。这样吃点心真的有够stress。 我们也是快快的吃就离开了点心店,每有想象中的好吃到会再回去第二次。


午餐到拉,早吃去, 登登,我们的午餐。

来到这喝茶,就是sg palas 的茶园喝茶。也许,很多人会问,怎么我常常来这喝茶,可能我真的很喜欢这儿的环境,那么的清静,微微的凉风,偶尔放下手头上的工作,来这儿沉淀自己,也知道,回去以后心情会很blue,可是这儿就是我的我爱来的地方。

蓝莓cheese蛋糕。蓝莓是我的最爱,看到一层层的cheese吗? 上面铺满了满满的蓝莓,一口咬下去,蓝莓和cheese溶化在口中。那种结合是那么的完美无瑕。
喝完茶,享受万人生,是时候回家准备今天的火窝大餐了。丰富的餐点,这一餐我们吃的很快活,撑着肚子,开开玩笑,嘻嘻哈哈。 人生在世,聊聊天,谈天说地是人生最快活的事。那一夜,我们做了很多无厘头的事,大家都在玩手电筒和烟花,童年的回忆顿然涌上心头。也许张大了,最想回忆的就是童年。
和以往一样,我是老人,不可以和时间过不去,很快的眼皮就如千斤重,开也开不了,我投降了,我睏了,酒拿来也没喝就睡觉去了。第二起来,每个人都呱呱叫说我第一个跑去睡。pai sei 啦,我睏了。
