Friday, December 31, 2010


第一,要去台湾玩。这个讲真的我做到了,很开心,这次的台湾之旅,让我更爱台湾,爱哪儿的风景,那儿的人与物,还记得在日月潭,在一个茶房, 和一个老妇人聊了一个晚上,那晚一谈就是天南地北,聊些什么,不明了,只知道和老一辈的长辈聊天,你会获益不少。想念在日月潭旁品茶的滋味。

第二,去征服kk山。 我成功了,可是用了很长的时间到达山顶,约定明年,明年还要去征服kk山,可是要用更快的时间到达山顶。

第三,下新加坡。这次下去是找朋友,不是很喜欢那儿,lcly, 不会在下新加坡。


第五,给自己买个广角镜头,yeah, 我买了,nikkor 10-24 mm. 也是爱是这个镜头。



Monday, December 20, 2010



Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Season Of The Witch - Official Trailer [HD]

Another nice movie to share , after review the trailer, i think the style of movie is almost the same with sorceries. After finish this trailer , thinking that this should be a nice movie that i should wait to. Offical release date will be on 06 January 2011, mean next month before the CNY. By that time, i think i will be free to temporary to watch this movie after a tiring monthend closing.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

JJ Lin 林俊傑 - 記得 (CD Version)


Monday, December 6, 2010


Another 2 more months, another trip to Krabi, an island that located in the Thailand. Many of you may not sure where is the Krabi, actually i also not sure where is the Krabi located till one of my friend told me that, that place have many beautiful island, eg, Kho Phi Phi, Phuket, after that, of course i will google it out to find more information. Ha, i found it, it's not an island, but is a beach, beautiful beach.

I started fall in love with Krabi, and keep on thinking when i will visit this beautiful island ?
I come out this plan when i thiking that what is our next new year plan with hometown friend. I gave my suggestion, seem like they all agree with my suggestion. I know my friends pattern, they said okie, but at the end will said don't want join. Since the day i given out this suggestion, i keep on monitored the air fare. Day afterday, month after month, at the end, found that I cannot wait for it already, i need to act faster as Feb is a peak season, everything will be expensive. Come to the end, i manage to book 9 ticket in total. Hurray, my Krabi trip is on. Can wait for it.
Krabi, i come lo ...